
OC Housing Report: A Modest Deceleration

As rates have edged higher and higher this year, the housing market has been slowing down from its insane pace, and now homes are taking a little longer to sell.


The Expected Market Time has grown from 37 days in April to 49 days today, a noticeable shift in the speed of the market due to rates rising above 7%.

It seems as if prices keep going up. Gas is once again above $5 per gallon. Date night at a favorite restaurant is now north of $100. A quick grocery stop for a few items totals more than $50. Wallets have been stretched. As a result, many are changing their spending habits and cutting back on extra errands or nights out.

Similarly, home affordability has been squeezed since the 30-year fixed rate climbed from 3.25% in January 2022 to over 7% in October and November 2022. This year started with mortgage rates easing to 5.99% in February. Yet, after reaching 6.39% in mid-April, they have been on the rise, climbing to 7.49% on August 21st, the highest mortgage rate according to Mortgage News Daily since December 2000, nearly 23 years ago. Buyers’ wallets are stretched, and fewer and fewer can afford homes with these sky-high rates.